Thursday, July 31, 2014
Moving On
Anyways, I do not wish to be associated with Life's Lemonade. Now I need to start a new blog site. I need a better name. Moving on.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Korean Transit Tour
My sister and I are going to the US for a vacation this July and will be taking Korean Air. My colleague who owns a travel agency suggested that I take a transit tour of Seoul during the layover in Incheon. At first I thought it wasn’t possible as I didn’t have a Korean tourist visa and I didn’t want to hassle myself into applying for one. But my colleague said that she was able to take a transit tour last year even if she didn’t have a visa. Her passport even got stamped at immigration, proving that she was able to legally enter and exit Korea without a visa.
I couldn’t believe this was possible so I checked the internet to verify if transit tours are allowed for Filipino citizens without South Korean Visas. The first few websites I saw made me doubt what my colleague said. After all, the Philippines isn’t part of the few countries with Visa Exemption Agreements with South Korea. But then, I stumbled upon this website which contained this info:
Transit tourists bound for another country
- Applicable to all countries (save for Cuba, and Macedonia) that are not granted visa-free entry into Korea.
- Those with a visa or a re-entry permit for U.S., Japan, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand (5 countries) and traveling to any one of those countries through Korea.
- Those traveling from any one of the five countries mentioned above, whose final destination is not Korea.
- Must have a confirmed onward flight ticket for departure within 30 days after entering Korea, in addition to having no record of criminal offence in the five countries mentioned above.
I didn’t want to trust just about any information I read on the web, so to be doubly-sure, I made phone inquiries in the Korean embassy in Manila and wrote an inquiry letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea.
The answer, Yes! It’s possible. Below is the verbatim reply of the embassy:
----- Forwarded Message ----
--------------------------------------- [ Original Message ] --------------------------------------Sender : 필리핀(대) <>To : ph04@mofat.go.krDate : 2010-05-05 09:15:42S u b j e c t : [FWD]Transit Visa
yes you can enter korea without visa if you have a US VISA and an onward confirmed ticket to US after korea. thank you
The embassy echoed the same thing. I hope this clears up a lot of information on this matter as I came across several forums and websites that state Filipinos can’t enter South Korean without a visa. Blanket opinions that say you can't are simply inaccurate! There are in fact some instances which will allow visa-free entry PROVIDED certain conditions are met. Otherwise, a tourist visa is required.
I’m pretty excited to see Seoul and Incheon. We have a 14-hour layover and we can take a day tour of Seoul, visiting temples, markets and savoring authentic Korean food. Tour packages seem quite reasonable at $100 per person. For just $100, I get to step into a new country with no extra airfare charges.
Korea on my mind. I’ve been having a dose of Korean Drama to set my mood for the trip. Can't wait!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Leftover Lechon
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Who Needs a More Powerful Mobile Sim?
Monday, November 30, 2009
My Sad Songs Playlist
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Odd Food Combos

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Starbucks Planner as a Loyalty Pull