My laptop is my office. My laptop is my best friend, or maybe not; that may be too shallow a connection. My laptop is an extension of my body and a mirror of my soul. I practically sleep with my laptop. Just a few hours away from it already makes me suffer from withdrawal symptoms. It goes without saying that my laptop should be partnered with a wifi connection. I will not get past one day without internet access. You might as well just kill me.
Now, who would have thought that laptop-ping could be such a dangerous sport? Seriously, it is bad for one's health. Here now are some of the ways this laptop addiction has afflicted me:
Finger Numbness. Too much typing from all that e-book writing (note that I'm putting the blame on the writing, not the chatting) sometimes causes my fingers to become numb and have a bloated feeling about them. There are days when it is so hard to ball them up in a fist. Of course, the heat emanating from the laptop also exacerbates my sweaty palms problem. But the real culprit for sweaty palms is too much texting (SMS), and that's another story.
Wrist Pains. Fortunately, I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome yet. But I am probably at risk. Oh, I blame those darn facebook games! I take my games seriously. Caring for my pet in one of my games requires advanced hand maneuvers and sophisticated wrist actions in an almost sleight of hand fashion. Yes, it can be magic, but it can be bad for the wrist.
Forearm marks and discoloration. During the day, I use my laptop and place it atop a regular desk. Because my forearms are resting on top of the desk, the edges of the table leave marks and lines on my forearms (the skin on the under side which touches the surface of the desk). Maybe I am applying too much pressure while tinkering with my laptop, or I simply have heavy forearms. Whatever the case, I get the unsightly marks that even become discolored.
Lower back pains. I don't have a good posture, and this becomes aggravated by sitting in a slouched position in the chair or in the bed. Hours on end in that manner equals lower back pains. No, it's not the age! It's the laptop!
Bottom heaviness. A cousin of the lower back pains is the relentless expansion occurring in the glutes, hip and thigh area. Because I am reduced to sitting down, I get heavier in that area by the day. If I could use my laptop while walking in the treadmill, I would. But I'll get too nauseous; I wouldn't want to vomit on my precious laptop. It makes complete sense anyway; there won't be a lap if I were standing up; hence, no laptop-ping while standing. It has to be done sitting down. But I am such a genius sometimes. I transform the laptop to a tummy-top when sitting down becomes too tiring. I slide into my back and lie down in bed, pulling the laptop up to settle on the tummy, while my head rests on top of many pillows. Laptop or tummytop, either way, it does not bode well for the figure.
So there, my list of laptop related injuries is long. To cure them would not to wean me away from the laptop. That could be fatal for me. To be honest, I just need a lap desk. All these bullshit only for a lap desk. Hahaha. I hope there are lap desks like these available locally.